Sunday, 24 January 2016

Chasing Emily (Diaper Dimension) Fan Art - A Show At Lyle Redmond's House

A bit of fan art for Chasing Emily, still one of the best AB/DL stories I've ever read.

I wasn't happy with my previous attempt at drawing the ballet dancers, so decided that the other drawing perhaps just showed another event from elsewhere in the world.

There’s a higher res version available on DeviantArt


  1. over your comic can not wait for more so do you have a eta on your next comic release?

  2. Heya, two projects are chugging along, and coming out pretty well, but I don't have an ETA sorry. Even putting all my time into them still takes months, it's a lot of work.

  3. Hi it has bin two months so how are the comics coming along?

    1. Heya! Sorry for the lack of updates. There are things in the works, and they are turning out pretty well, but it just takes a looong long time to make anything like this, even with the tools and scripts that I've created for it.

    2. Ok but can you put a little preview on the blog for your fans?

    3. I will, when I know which project is going to be finished first, and it's close to being finalized. :) Some of them might be a year or more away.

  4. How is the comic coming along I hope it will be for sale soon?

    1. Working every waking moment on finishing one up now, hopefullyyyy by the end of the month. :)

    2. The end of June right?

    3. So does the comic have a name?

    4. Indeed :D, but wait and see ;). Some other work has unfortunately come up which looks like it's going to slow this down dramatically, I probably shouldn't mention how close I am to finished until it's actually done. :(

    5. Slow down how dramatically?

    6. So how long before the comic will come out?
