Sunday, 21 December 2014

Comic Update

I've had a surprising number of messages on DeviantArt, comments here, etc, asking about the new comic release date, so just thought I'd let people know that it's probably about a day or two away, hopefully the best Christmas present to yourself that you could get. ;)

It accidentally got unfathomably huge, since it was originally going to be split into 3 to 4 volumes and I decided to do it all at once as a cheaper complete single product. There's around 600 images and it's taken over a thousand hours of work now, so I hope that it appeals to somebody out there, heh.

For now, I'll just leave this WIP of an involuntary gothic lolita doll.


  1. Yay! Super excited!


  2. is the gothic lolita from the current work or from a future work either way i know what i'm getting for Christmas :-)

    1. Current ;), though it's a hard outfit to do consistently and may have to be changed, so I thought that I'd just throw up a version of it before it maybe disappears since I find it so much fun.

  3. Cant wait for it^^ I'm so Excited!

  4. Can we have some anticipation of the topics? There are some spanking and rectal temp taking?

  5. News about the comic?

    1. Almost there. I got a bit caught up with christmas things, and watching the legend of Korra finale, and then rewatching it. I am far too obsessed with Avatar.

    2. :( any word?

    3. Only a few panels left, and then a few thousand text bubbles to fix. The wait is brutal but it just means that the comic is longer and longer. :P

  6. Cool Santa's got his lulu account already and I was extra good this year :-) can't wait

  7. Alrighty, I've finally drawn the last page. I've just got to proof read, fix about 5 images, and create the PDF, so probably about 5 hours away.

  8. Hey all, I'm just trying to look at reducing the file size, since currently it's a few hundred meg and it seems to create issues with Lulu's download. It has been done for a few hours, but this just needs some toying with.

  9. Sry i dont understand how many time we have to wait?

    1. Good news - It is available now, it just seems to take about 10 minutes to download from Lulu, at least with my test. I decided not to downgrade the quality, as it's worth the wait for cleaner art. :)
